

We’re Unlocking the Power of Pelvic Physiotherapy in Kitchener!February 25, 2025

pelvic physiotherapy Kitchener

Pelvic issues affect many individuals at any age and can significantly alter our day-to-day routines. The pelvic floor is made up of 26 muscles, and like other muscles in the body, they can be tight, weak, strong, or even stretched out. Since the pelvic region supports many other parts of the body, including the bladder, uterus, prostate, rectum, and spine, pelvic health is of utmost importance. Pelvic dysfunction may worsen over time, but luckily, what can help is pelvic physiotherapy. Kitchener-based Highland Physio and Rehab offers non-invasive services to battle mobility issues in the pelvic region.

Physical therapy is vital in dealing with issues of the pelvic region and suffering in silence is never an ideal solution. So, if you’re a resident living in the region looking for help, here are some benefits of pelvic physiotherapy, Kitchener!

Improvement in Pelvic Organ Support

Pelvic physical therapy caters to strengthening the 26 muscles that make up the pelvic region to help them support vital organs that rely on the pelvic floor. This type of physical therapy can help eliminate related issues, such as loss of control of the urinary bladder, constipation, and painful bowel movements, as well as sexual dysfunction. Additionally, pelvic physiotherapy can overall stabilize the pelvis and spine.

Elevates Your Everyday Life, Routine, and Relationships

Since pelvic pain can get worse over time if not treated immediately, it can lead to a significant impact on an individual’s daily life and general well-being. Living in pain can be excruciating and affect everyone around you as well, damaging relationships. However, pelvic movement that involves stretching and relaxation exercises, as well as physical therapy, may significantly relieve the discomfort and pain associated with the pelvic floor, and as a result, improve everyday living.

Helps Improve Your Intimate Life

The muscles in the pelvic region are directly related to how one functions sexually, including arousal, orgasm, and overall sensation. Penetration and movement may become extremely painful when dealing with issues of the pelvic region. Thankfully, physical therapy targets muscle strength and coordination, as well as relaxation which helps improve sexual experiences, leading to overall confidence and pleasure.

Prepares for Pregnancy and Childbirth

Pregnancy, giving birth, and undergoing postpartum recovery are considered factors for pregnant women when dealing with pelvic dysfunction. During pregnancy, specialists can help develop the pelvic floor through physical therapy that reduces pain and discomfort throughout pregnancy and delivery. After giving birth or postnatally, issues of urinary or fecal incontinence, and general weakness in the pelvic region are targeted as well as strengthening the overall pelvic floor.

Athletic Benefits & General Improvement

Strengthening your pelvic muscles can greatly enhance your performance, especially if you enjoy staying active or are an athlete. The pelvic muscles stabilize your core and offer support that results in a healthy lifestyle for your core. As someone who participates in various sports and activities, strengthening your core can help make the activity more enjoyable and help you excel at it. Pelvic physiotherapy is a great and non-invasive way to enjoy activities and avoid injuries.

The benefits are abundant, and vital if you want to satisfy your general health and well-being of pelvic physiotherapy. Kitchener’s Highland Physio and Rehab are here to help if you are experiencing pelvic pain or any related issues like urinary leakage, or painful bowel movements. Don’t suffer in silence and reach out to us for pelvic physiotherapy in Kitchener today!